Monday, April 30, 2007

The SDI Test

Has anyone ever done this SDI test before?? It is such a great
test that helps you realize your personality and how you deal
with conflict. They are categorized in 3 colours. Blue, Red and
Green. There is also a fourth category called Hub. In personality,
the blue is the feeler, the worrier, the one is always concerned
about the other person. The caregiver. Red is the assertive and
aggressive one. The "Let's just get in done", or the "Let's just
make a decision and move on". Green is the thinker. The over
analyzer. The person who think EVERYTHING through and
does not just make harsh decisions.

Lexi was Blue-Red. My higher number was in the blue category
but I have some red in me. That didnt really surprise me.

In conflict, the blue is the person who doesnt like to deal with it.
Would just rather get rid of the problem by agreeing. The one who
is always concerned that the other person is feeling okay and
putting their feelings aside. Red is the one who likes to deal with
the conflict right then and there. Lets talk it all out and fix this.
Green is the one who needs to withdraw from the conflict and
really think about it and try to come up with the best answer.

Lexi was hard core blue. Totally didnt surprise me.

If anyone ever has a chance to do something like this, it is so worth
it. It is neat to see how you deal with situations and just to learn
your friends personalities and how they deal with conflict. You
really start to learn about each other and how to approach them
in the way your friends need to be approached!

Anyways, just wanted to share that.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Bella Joyce Jehan

Okay, so seriously. Is she not the cutest kid ever!
She just turned one on the 9th and Mike and
Julie had a birthday party for her and their place
was packed with people. I guess it is a good thing
that they are
moving into a more
larger home. Bella
does the cutest
things. Everyone
time she sees you,
she says "Baby". And
then she points her
little finger at
everything. She loves
seeing pictures of
babies and especially
of herself. I was over
at Mike and Julie's last
night and we were
looking out of their
bedroom window and
Bella was getting so
excited to look outside
and see birds. There is this little piece of bird poop on
the window and Julie was telling me that she gets so
excited everytime she sees it. She also loves my
earrings. At her birthday party, Julie gave her her first
piece of cake. First Bella was just staring at it but then
Julie put a bit of icing in her mouth and then she realized
that she actually enjoyed that so then she started eating
it. Usually, the child has chocolate and icing all over their
mouth but Bella was very clean and polite. There was also
like 40 people watching her and I think she liked the
attention it gave her. It is scary to think sometimes how
much I love
her. I can't
imagine how
much more
I could love
someone else.
Like my own
kids. She has
such a great
and I think she
is going to have
a good sense of
humour. She is so funny at times with all of her little things and
her face expressions. When she goes in for a kiss she pouts
those lips so big and just leans in forward. She is the squeshiest
little girl ever. She has the best legs that get squeezed for often
by my crazy family. As you can tell, she is a very loved child!
Keep them coming Mike and Julie. I am waiting patiently....

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Toronto Blue Jays

Have I told you how excited I am that the Blue Jays are back!
I was just at the opener in Toronto and what an interesting
game it was. The Jays, of course, won the game 9 to 1 against
the Royals. A fan got kicked out of the game in the second
inning for grabbing the ball off the field during a live play. What
a dumb ass. And then in the 8th inning, a huge fight breaks out
just a few rows behind and over from us. They had to have
around 8 or 9 cops to break it up. I have no idea how and why
it broke out but whatever, it was entertaining.

The pictures above is a picture of Reed Johnson. He is by far
my favourite Jays player. So I was very excited when I found out
that he was playing in the game I attended. And of course, he
did a great job in left field!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

What is with the weather??

I woke up this morning to snow on the ground. WHAT IS UP WITH
THAT?? I refuse to believe that this snow is going to stay because
I am totally ready for spring. They shouldn't tease us like this.

I totally love the smell of spring. The smell of the snow melting and
the trees starting to bud. I can not wait.

Guess what I get to do on Easter Monday? BLUE JAYS GAME. It is
their first game in Toronto so I am very excited for it. My best
friends dad got 4 tickets so it is a date night with the dads. It is going
to be great.

Hope everyone has a great Easter. Eat lots of chocolate because I
know I will. Oh, and of course, for those of you who know what it
is, eat LOTS of paska!! So good. . . .

Monday, April 2, 2007

Girls Night!

Saturday night, Carla and I decided to have a girls night. Alex and
Jackson were in Port Rowan helping out with his dad so I drove up
to Kitchener to spend some time with the girls. Olivia is just the
most adorable girl. She is only 9 months old and she is walking
around and climbing stairs and getting into stuff. She, of course,
went through my purse and was very interested in my sunglasses
and lip gloss. It was very cute.

We ordered in some pizza and then put Olivia to bed and then
the boys came home. Jackson was playing shy with me until I
let him take about50 pictures and then I was his new best friend.

It was a great time to spend with my friends. I am so glad that
they are living closer to me. It will be so great to have them
near by and see them more often than I have.
Thanks for the fun night Carla! I hope you have a good and
safe week!