Monday, April 30, 2007

The SDI Test

Has anyone ever done this SDI test before?? It is such a great
test that helps you realize your personality and how you deal
with conflict. They are categorized in 3 colours. Blue, Red and
Green. There is also a fourth category called Hub. In personality,
the blue is the feeler, the worrier, the one is always concerned
about the other person. The caregiver. Red is the assertive and
aggressive one. The "Let's just get in done", or the "Let's just
make a decision and move on". Green is the thinker. The over
analyzer. The person who think EVERYTHING through and
does not just make harsh decisions.

Lexi was Blue-Red. My higher number was in the blue category
but I have some red in me. That didnt really surprise me.

In conflict, the blue is the person who doesnt like to deal with it.
Would just rather get rid of the problem by agreeing. The one who
is always concerned that the other person is feeling okay and
putting their feelings aside. Red is the one who likes to deal with
the conflict right then and there. Lets talk it all out and fix this.
Green is the one who needs to withdraw from the conflict and
really think about it and try to come up with the best answer.

Lexi was hard core blue. Totally didnt surprise me.

If anyone ever has a chance to do something like this, it is so worth
it. It is neat to see how you deal with situations and just to learn
your friends personalities and how they deal with conflict. You
really start to learn about each other and how to approach them
in the way your friends need to be approached!

Anyways, just wanted to share that.

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