Thursday, April 5, 2007

What is with the weather??

I woke up this morning to snow on the ground. WHAT IS UP WITH
THAT?? I refuse to believe that this snow is going to stay because
I am totally ready for spring. They shouldn't tease us like this.

I totally love the smell of spring. The smell of the snow melting and
the trees starting to bud. I can not wait.

Guess what I get to do on Easter Monday? BLUE JAYS GAME. It is
their first game in Toronto so I am very excited for it. My best
friends dad got 4 tickets so it is a date night with the dads. It is going
to be great.

Hope everyone has a great Easter. Eat lots of chocolate because I
know I will. Oh, and of course, for those of you who know what it
is, eat LOTS of paska!! So good. . . .

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Naomi and Erich had us over for fresh paska on Wednesday was totally to die for! YUM!!!!
Happy Easter Lexi! Hope you have a great time at the Jays game.