Monday, October 22, 2007

Time. . .

Where does the time go?? I can not believe that I am leaving
in less than a week. This past weekend has been a very hard
and emotional week for me. There are such mixed emotions
in my decision to go to Jamaica. Excited to experience all that
God is going to teach me down there, yet scared to death to
be alone. But then I have to remind myself that I will not be
alone. I have such an amazing support group praying for me
and reminding me that this IS where God wants me to be.

Last nite, my Life Group got together and had a potluck for me
to send me on my way. Becky had decorated her livingroom in
greens and yellows (the colour of the Jamaican flag, had no idea)
with balloons and she made little flags and had signs up for me.
It was quite overwhelming to see the support and encourgement
they all gave me. Just to be surrounded in prayer and knowing
the sincereity behind it just gave me a sense of peace that I can
not even explain into words.

So, as the days are fastly approaching, I just thank God for
answering my prayers and showing me strength in myself and
through my friends. Though, all my prayers have not yet been
answered and some decisions still need to be made, I feel that
God will answer those in his timing, still trying to teach me how
to completely trust Him.

Thank you to those of you who are praying for me! I will try to
keep this blog updated as best I can.


Michelle said...

Well if I don't chat with you before you go...GOOD LUCK!!! Please know that you will be prayed for....HARD!! I will be checking your blog for updates! Prayers for safety and that you get everything wrapped up here before you go! *HUGS*

Naomi said...

Wow Girl! Sounds like life is a little crazy right now! I hope you will have time to keep us updated, we will be praying for you!
