Thursday, October 11, 2007

Countdown begins . . .

Well folks, the countdown is officially starting. I have only 15 days
left of leaving for the craziest trip of all time. Plans have changed
just a bit since I last posted. When I first decided to head down to
Jamaica, I emailed SO many different places to volunteer and work
with. Finally, I got the biggest answer to prayer. YWAM emailed me
back and they want me to volunteer with them. Which means that
they will take care of me and make sure I am fed and I have a nice
place to sleep. Before that email, I was freaking out a bit. You know,
having the panic attacks, questioning why I was doing this in the
first place, that sort of stuff.

I was talking to my one friend and she said to me, "Lexi, do you
really think God would of put all this stuff into place if He really didn't
want you to go?" That really made me think differently. After I had
made the decision of going regardless, that is when everything just
kept happening for me and my emails were being answered and so
many different people were telling me that they had been praying for
me from the beginning. That was such a powerful moment.

As of right now, things arent 100% organized but I am getting there.
Thanks for those of you who have been praying for me. They are
definitely being felt. I will keep you posted on updates.



Michelle said...

YAY!!! So excited for you! What an experience of a lifetime!! And praise God that he has worked out all the details! You are obvioulsy going for all the right reasons and following God's call! That's so awesome! Yes, please keep us all posted! Will you be able to update while you're in Jamaica??

Bonnie said...

Such a cool thing to hear of God's unending faithfulness. Blessings as you prepare to be used by Him. Can't wait to hear how its going!