Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas 2006

I can definitely say that this Christmas was very different from any previous Christmas that I can remember. Lots of emotions for my family, high and low, and to me at least, it just didn't feel like Christmas. But none the less, I had a great time with my family. I got a ton of great gifts from my parents and from my sister Rachel (we draw names and she picked me). So, for those of you who like playing board games, come on over.
Christmas is such a good reflection on life. You get to thank God for coming into this world and letting us have a relationship with His Son. It really is just a miracle of life. Sometimes I think and wonder why people don't believe in God. I mean, how could they not? He has shown His powers in so many miraculous and obvious ways. I know we struggle sometimes in whether we believe that there is a God or not, but I think that that is what makes us stronger and more in love with Him and what he represents. If God can forgive us for all the stupid and dumb things we do in life, than why not? Forgiveness is such a struggle. I was just talking to my friend tonight about forgiveness and what it truly means. I think I struggle with forgiveness. There are alot of things in my life right now that I am working through and forgiveness is definitely one of the top on my list. How do you start to forgive someone when they really betrayed you? You can say you forgive but the question is, have you really forgiven them? You become so bitter towards the person who hurt you, that it starts changing the person you really are. I don't even know why and when I became that kind of person. Have I really been hurt that much in my life? I think that is the question I keep asking myself?
You know, these blog things can be dangerous because I feel like I ramble on and on and you become quite vulnerable. I guess that isn't always a bad thing.
Hope everyone's Christmas was good and enjoyable. Now comes all the running and exercise to lose the pounds gained from all the chocolates and candy and Christmas cookies. I really think I ate more chocolate this Christmas than I have my entire life. I don't even like chocolate!
Til next time...

1 comment:

Janell said...

I was super encouraged by your post. I'm finding it difficult to forgive as well. But sometimes, we must forgive in our actions first before we can forgive in our hearts.... before we really start to believe it. i don't know, just some thoughts.