Saturday, February 9, 2008

My last couple of months...

Lots has happened to me these last few months.

December - Was a very tough month for me. I had just returned
from Jamaica. Again, one of the most amazing experiences ever.
Then I was home at the beginning of the month and the month
pretty much consisted of Christmas and planning my baby sisters
wedding. The wedding was very mixed emotions for me. First, I
had to sing, which I havent done since leaving Fairview Church.
That was a very huge moment for me. I know it meant so much
to Suz so I did it. It was so great to be up on stage again. Reminded
me of something I forgot about myself. Another tough thing was
knowing and dealing with the reality of having my little sister
married before me. Dont get me wrong. I love my life. I have done
things and have gone places and have not been scared to do
things on my own. But it has been hard when people say things
about it to you all the time. But it is getting easier.

January - Lots of changes. I decided to buy a condo. That was a
very huge and exciting step for me. I get possession of the place on
the 29th of Feb. I have to do some painting but other than that, it is
ready to move right in.

February - This month has been good so far. Next Friday I am going
on another missions trip. This time with an organization. I am helping
lead a College & Careers Missions Trip through my church. We are
heading to Mexico. I am looking forward to getting away and again,
getting involved in another culture. It will be nice to feel apart of a
team and not just be by myself. Jamaica was great, but it was lonely
at times. Then when I return from Mexico, it will be busy with packing
and getting ready for another big move.

Thanks everyone for praying for me. I am hoping to seek some answers
in questions that I have asked God everyday to answer. I am really
still working on trusting Him and trying to seek Him in all I do.

Till next time... (I will try to update more often)


Lori said...

lexi....ok i just left a comment on your wall, because i didn't know where you were going. i hope you have a wonderful and fulfilling trip to mexico. i'll think and pray for you while you are gone and when you come back. i guess you aren't coming out here in March?? that's kind of what you were thinking last year right? that's too bad, it would've been awesome hanging out again.

i'll write more to you in an email or on your the whole world doesn't read my comment....;)

luv lori

Michelle said... have been a busy monkey!! LOL! Congrats on the condo..that's great!

Crystal said...

Lexi - you are amazing!!
How's the Condo??