Saturday, December 8, 2007


First off, I have absolutely no excuses for not updating
this sooner. It came from pure laziness. Also, not being
in front of a computer added to it. But here you go. An
update with some pictures and I will try to answer the
questions that some of you may ask me. This first pic
is of me my first Sunday. I went with one of the schools
that YWAM offers. We went to a beach called "Doctor's
Cave". Later I found out that it is the same beach that
my little sister is coming to on her honeymoon and the
end of this month. CRAZY. Anyways, that was the start
of an amazing 5 weeks.

The picture below is one of me and Kristine. She was a
dear friend that I met on the YWAM base. She is on
staff there for the next 2 years. She was one of the first
people I had met when I arrived. We clicked right away
and she helped me through some tough times. The times
when I asked myself why I had chosen to come to a
country knowing nobody and when I would ask God why
He was making it so difficult for me. Never mind that I
asked Him to stretch me and challenge me, but I never
thought He would do starting my first day. Kristine was
a great listener and she was also ALOT of fun.

In one of my previous posts, I had mentioned that my
friends were on a cruise and they had stopped by and I
got to spend the day with them. Well, the picture below
is one of me, Victor and Annelise. It was such a special
and refreshing day for me. To be around people that
knew me and reminding me that I was blessed to be able
to be here and to experience a new culture.

Below, is the building of CUMI. The place where I had
the opportunity to volunteer two days a week. What an
amazing experience that was. I met some great people
and got to be exposed to a whole new way of living.

A couple of times, me and April (one of the Canadian
girls volunteering a year of her life to work in Jamaica
with MCC) went to a local orphanage that a few of the
clients from CUMI did the laundry. While they were
doing that, we would go and play with the kids and hold
the new born babies. Below is a picture of one of the boys
that were there. They are just the most adorable children
and they just want to be held and hugged.

If I had to sum up my 5 weeks into one word, I would
have to say, WOW. From my first day to my last day,
God used me. During the time, I would ask God why he
brought me here. I didnt feel like I was making much of
a difference but looking back now, He used me in small
ways. I was able to organize an office for a lady who just
couldnt find the time to do it. I was able to work with
people who felt like the world was out to get them and I
was able to make them smile and laugh. I was able to
hold a precious newborn baby who was unwanted by a
parent. I was able to show them a little compassion and
love in the little way I could.

People here at home ask me what my highlight of the trip
was and I answer them this way. I had three highlights. I
couldnt really pin point it to just one. Number one, YWAM.
What a blessing that place was. It was more than I had ever
imagined it was going to be. I met some AMAZING people
and I was exposed to an amazing organization and maybe
one day I can be a part of. I was encouraged in their faiths.
I remember telling people back home about some of the
faith stories I was able to experience being there. I keep
saying, "When these people pray, God really answers them"
I ask myself, why does that not happen back home? The
only answer I can come up with is that they truly believe
that He will answer. They dont doubt. They pray and pray
until it happens. I would have goosebumps everytime I
would sit through a chapel service there. They worship with
everything they have. So incredibly powerful. Number two
was volunteering at CUMI. I had such a great time getting
to know the clients. They were fun and we had some good
laughs together. Also, meeting April and Suzanne was such
a treat. And to think, they only live 1 hour from me here in
Canada. They were a blessing. Number three was having my
friends come and visit.

I have been back for 1 week already. It has been a very hard
and emotional week for me. Trying to figure out life and to
continue the path that I had started in Jamaica. You set all
these goals when you are away from home and then when you
get home, it seems impossible. Life gets in the way. Routine
gets in the way. I just pray that God will use me here like He
did in Jamaica. Even if it is through the "small ways".

Thank you to all who were praying for me. Jamaica was a
life changing experience for me and I am so blessed by the
support I received and the love I felt when being there. If you
have any questions or want to know more, please ask! Thanks
for all who read this!


Cyndy said...

Wow. You sound like a different person. You sound changed. I am SO excited for you. How awesome to see that God truly took your trip to stretch you and help you grow, just as you asked of Him. I know what you mean about it being tough when you return. When you're on such a high somewhere far from home and you come back, guns blazing, ready to tackle the world, sometimes the world laughs in your face and our society doesn't fit the mould of where you just came from. But if you continue to move forward with your eyes and heart open to opportunities around you, God will sure use you back home, too. You are such a wonderful person, with a huge heart and a great personality. There's so MUCH you can do. I love you, I love you , I love you and I am so HAPPY that you had this experience. (By the way - random side note - you look BEAUTIFUL these days... you look so adorable...just wanted you to know that) I'm gonna continue to pray for you, kay?
Love, Cyn

Michelle said...

Sorry I haven't responded sooner. Like you, routine get in the way! I'm so glad you had such a great time and made it to and from Jamaica safely! I've been "learning" some of the same things...that even in the small ways God can use us! I bet it was hard to be at the orphanage...I couldn't even imagine :( Continue to be on fire for Him. That's where people will see Him in your everyday life, in the small things!