Monday, July 9, 2007

Why does God make us question?

Is it just me, or does others question why God lets us question
His existence? Lately, I have just been struggling with what God
has in store for my life. What path is He taking me down? Is He
even with me? Does anyone "really" hear God's calling for their
lives? Don't get me wrong. I know and I believe with all my heart
that there truly is a God, but I am having a hard time believing
that He is with me right now. As I sit in a church service, I listen
to the words of the songs that the congregation is singing, and do
people really focus on the words they are singing or are they just
singing for the sake of the music? For those of you who know me,
know that I love to sing. I love to worship and leading worship but
lately, I have just been sitting back and reflecting on the words
and the meaning behind them. People are always telling me that
every Christian questions why they believe and what this faith
thing is all about. I guess I never really took the time to question
it myself. I have been feeling God teasing me. Putting things in my
life and then snatching them away from me. Maybe for good reason
but why does He do that. Is it even God doing it or is it just easier
to blame Him? These are the things that I have been questioning.
Does anyone else questions these things?


Michelle said...

I've read your blog prolly 10 times now have been in the same situation and have been thinking of what to say to help encourage you....

THIS maybe the lesson God is trying to teach you. That inspite of all that goes on in our lives, the highs and the low's, He's still there. When we doubt His presence in our lives, He finds a way to surprise us. I find searching for answers draws me closer to Him. I hope this helps a least you know you're not alone!! I'll be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

I just read your last post on your blog and want to encourage you that you can know that God is true by reading His Word. Remember to go to the Scriptures when you have questions as God desires for us to know Him and has communicated to us who he is, who we are, why we exist and what our end will be if we know him or if we choose not to know him. Ps. 46:10 If it were only up to our feelings to determine God's existence we might despair or wonder because we fallible human beings. But God who is infallible has clearly revealed in His Word that He is true and that we can know Him and his love for us. When you have questions, ask the Lord to show you in the Scriptures by the Holy Spirit who will lead you into all truth. The Lord does not leave us to wander around hoping that we have it right. He has given us all that we need so that we can be confident that we know the Truth. May you be encouraged in the reading of Scripture.

Cordella said...

Hey Lexi, I am definitely feeling this and have for the past two and a half years. Your blog actually reminds me of the pockets of brief time where I have total assurance in God and love for Him and His plan for me. And always in the end, I want to be known as a person of faith and so, I am trying to journey with prospective and assurance.